Tuesday, November 10, 2009

You are What You Eat”
Like or not, It is what it is!

By DREAM TEAM Fitness & Nutrition Coach

Adele Fridman

You are what you eat!

This is one of the most widely known clichés, and probably the most accurate. Look at what you eat...then look at how you look and feel! You will see a correlation! Too much fat, sugar, or alcohol and you’ll feel overweight, tired, and clogged! On the other hand, eat whole grains, fresh vegetables and fruits, and you’ll feel strong, healthy, and focused! The foods you eat affect how you act and feel both mentally and physically.


Because the chemicals in foods, literally, create different responses in your body.

That’s right!

Different foods, when eaten, REQUIRE that your body respond to them-a.k.a. CRAVINGS! Your food choices directly affect your body on a cellular level. Food affects how you look, feel, and think! Sugary and fried foods cause diabetes, blood pressure, depression and cardiovascular disease. They have little nutritional value; your body sees them as foreign. If it’s not “real food”, your body simply doesn’t know what to do with it and will store it as fat.

If you don’t believe that YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT, you need to think about the following facts:

• Did you know that citrus fruits, like oranges and grapefruits, look just like the female mammary
glands and that they actually assist the health of the breasts and movement of the lymph?

• A tomato has four chambers and is the color red. But did you know that the heart is also red and
has four chambers. Research shows that tomatoes are indeed pure heart and blood food!

• A walnut looks like the brain; both have a left and right hemisphere, and upper and lower
cerebellums. Walnuts develop over three dozen neuron-transmitters in the brain.

• Sweet potatoes look like the pancreas and actually help balance insulin levels--especially helpful for
those with diabetes.

• Isn’t it amazing that the foods our ancestors consumed are the same foods that actually help our
bodies function better?

Without even knowing why, our ancestors learned what to eat and what to avoid. Why have we stopped listening to our common-sense ancient wisdom?

Of course you can still have a treat, once in a while!! In fact, I have one “cheat” (or as I prefer to call it “treat meal”) about once a week – usually a dinner with family or friends, but the rest of the time I keep my diet clean so that I feel clean! I keep my diet pure so that I feel pure!! I keep my diet healthy so that I feel healthy!!!

Yes...WE ARE WHAT WE EAT! Food is a drug!

Maintaining a balanced diet will ensure that proper vitamins, minerals and nutrients are entering your body, REGENERATING your cells and helping you feel ALIVE, VIBRANT and ENERGIZED. A balanced diet, containing fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean protein, will help maintain your good health from the inside.

Remember, that fad diets simply DO NOT WORK! We are surrounded by healthy foods. It’s very simple!! Give your body what it needs to be healthy... and your body will take care of YOU!

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