Saturday, August 23, 2008

Classic Relaxation Method

This method of achieving total relaxation of mind and body has been used for many years with impressive results. Like the relaxation response, it may be used any time you feel a need to let go of tension and achieve a profound sense of serenity.

Lie flat on your back on a firm surface such as a carpeted floor or an exercise mat. Close your eyes. Place your arms straight along your body with hands in a half - open position. Keep your legs slightly apart with toes pointed outward.

Begin by concentrating on your toes and trying to "feel" them without moving them. Command them to relax. Next, do the same for your feet to the exclusion of other body parts. Relish the feeling of limpness. Next, the ankles. In this manner, you work all the way up: legs, knees, thighs, abdomen, buttocks, back, chest, hands, arms, shoulders, neck, and finally the face, mouth, eyes, forehead. Every part, in succession, will feel limp and quite heavy. As you are enjoying this sensation of heaviness, try to clear your mind, reducing thoughts to an absolute minimum. Focus on something pleasant as you breathe slowly and deeply. After a few minutes, you will be totally and blissfully relaxed.

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