Thursday, October 22, 2009


food diary day 1

steel cut oats, apple, cin, soymilk, green tea
1 brown rice bread with organic peanut butter and apple butter
protien shake with greens plus
snacked on fruit and nuts, banana, orange, walnuts

salad with lemon dressing, rice crackers and humus

toast and tea before bed

food diary day 2

steel cut oats, cin, apple and soy milk, green tea
1 rice bread with nut butter toppings
vegetarian chili (supper and lunch)
snacked on raisins and 1 piece of coco chocolate (77% cocoa), nuts, orange
peppermint tea, and toast

food diary day 3

the same menu as day 2

food diary day 4

rice bread, oats, nuts, fruit, protein shake, humus etc.

day 4 has been tuff I'm having detox symptoms, headache, feeling low, tired and soar. 4 days without all those carbs and sugar has taken it's toll, It's only 9:22 and I'm off to bed. I need to step up on my water intake and fresh vegetables. I missed my yoga workout as well!! Tomorrow will be better!

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